
D17XX OEM Integration v0.1
Domo Limited doing business as Cobham Surveillance
Adjust the Signal Generator RF Amplitude until the displayed Marker Level is at -85dB.
Leave the amplitude set at this level. Set the Generator output to OFF.
Swap the 50 Termination (or 20dB Attenuator) and the connection to the Analyser.
Set the Signal Generator output to ON and check the Marker level on the Analyser is
within 0.3dB of the level set previously. Set the Signal Generator output to OFF.
Noise Figure Tests
Disconnect the cable from the Analyser and the 50Ω Termination (or 20dB Attenuator)
from the Splitter cable. Connect both cables from the Splitter to J19 and J22 (both SMP)
of the D1705. Set-up should be as per Figure 7.
Figure 7: RF Rx test set-up
Power up the D17XX and upon initial boot up press ctrl d, c and then m in the Tera
Term window to enter Demodulator Test mode as shown in Figure 8. The D17XX will
initially enter the Noise Figure Measurement mode.
Figure 8: Demodulator Test mode initial display
Port B
Mesh Radio
Port A
RF Signal