Operation Manual

Warn of trafc tie-ups ahead.
Provide weather and road information.
Provide help fast in event of emergency or break down.
Suggest good spots to eat and sleep.
Make long trips more interesting, and help keep you awake.
Provide direct contact with your ofce or home.
Make friends as you travel.
Provide “local information” to nd your des ti na tion.
Communicate with friends and family during outdoor activities.
Help law enforcement ofcers by reporting drunk and reckless drivers.
You can receive up to the minute local area weather reports provided by
NOAA (National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration) 24 hours a day,
7 days a week. An agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA
warns of dangerous weather, charts our seas and skies, guides our use
and protection of ocean and coastal resources and conducts research to
improve our understanding and stewardship of the environment.
The National Weather Service operates about 380 stations. Approximately
90 percent of the Nation’s population is within listening range of a NOAA
Weather Radio broadcast.
A similar network of about 15 stations using the same frequencies
broadcast continuous weather information across much of southern
If you have a question concerning NOAA Weather Radio or wish to
receive a listing of NOAA Weather Radio receiver locations, please
contact your nearest National Weather Service Ofce, or write to
National Weather Service (Attn: W/OM11), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, MD. 20910.
Note: Some areas may not have a broadcast tower
within the transmission range of your 75WX.
1. You are not allowed to carry on a conversation with another station for
more than ve minutes at a time without taking a one-minute break to
give others a chance to use the channel.
2. You are not allowed to blast others off the air by overpowering them
with illegally amplied transmitter power or illegally high an ten nas.
3. You can’t use the CB to promote illegal activities.
4. You are not allowed to use profanity.
5. You may not play music in your CB.
6. You may not use your CB to sell merchandise or professional service.
75WXST_MANL.indd 25-26 9/24/12 10:39 AM