Troubleshooting guide

Help message H5 = MAP corrupt
Try alternate program.
Contact the child’s cochlear implant clinician.
Help message H6 = Implant ID error, or bilateral interference.
Check that the processor is on the correct ear.
Remove any other sound processors from the area (the radio frequency
signal from the transmitting coil may be interfering), or turn them off.
If you are sure the processors are on the correct ears and you still see
H6 on one or both screens as you look while both are on the
child’s head, contact his or her cochlear implant clinician.
Presented Complaints:
No sound/intermittent sound (help messages H1, H2, H3, H4)
Change the batteries (ensure that all of the batteries are changed).
Check using the lapel microphone.
Check that the coil is fully inserted in the processing unit socket
(and correctly located over the implant).
Change the coil.
Change the controller (ensure new batteries are fitted).
Change the processing unit (use back-up processing unit or contact
the child’s cochlear implant clinician).
Sound unclear/muffled
Check the LCD for help message (H4 = see steps 2 – 5,
H5 = contact your clinician).
Check using the lapel microphone. Determine whether
the sound improves. If so, replace microphone cover.
If the sound does not improve with new mic cover, use lapel micro
phone clipped to child's shirt until processor is repaired or replaced.
Replace the processing unit (use back-up processing unit or contact the
child’s cochlear implant clinician).
LCD blank (but sound OK)
Change the controller (return the suspected faulty controller).
Stop the power to the processing unit and then restart it.
Sounds uncomfortably loud
Contact the child’s cochlear implant audiologist.
Check settings as prescribed by audiologist.
Help message H1 = battery flat
Change the batteries (ensure that
all of the batteries are changed).
Ensure that all of the batteries
are inserted correctly –
flat/positive side on the bottom.
Insert a new battery holder
containing new batteries or
insert a fully charged
rechargeable battery.
Help message H2 = battery low
Replace all of the batteries or the rechargeable battery.
Help message H3 = coil error
Check that the coil is fully inserted in the socket.
Check that the coil is correctly located over
the Implant.
Check for cable damage.
Change coil by placing your fingernails
underneath the coil plug where it meets
the sound processor body, then pulling
straight out. Ensure you are using the
correct coil for the child’s implant type:
green plug for Nucleus 22, black plug
for Nucleus 24 or Freedom.
Help message H4 = sound/stimulation error
Turn processor ‘OFF’ then ‘ON’.
Check sensitivity is above ‘0. Typical use setting is 12, but check with
child's audiologist.
After removing the coil, check/change microphone protector cover.
Check/change coil.
Try using the lapel microphone. To use: turn off processor, lift rubber
cover on bottom of processor, insert lapel microphone and turn
processor back on.
Change the processing unit (use backup processing unit).
Contact the child’s cochlear implant clinician.
Battery holder
Pull out