User manual

7-2-1. Ripping All
This procedure is for loading (ripping) all the tracks on CD.
Enter the info with remote controller or USB keyboard.
You must enter Album name to go to next step.
TIP To use USB keyboard, ensure to connect a USB
keyboard into the X10 before you boot the unit.
Select OK to confirm the entry. Then, loading(ripping) will
start as in the picture below.
Now loading (ripping).
Select Ripping All and confirm it with OK button.
Select one of the 4 file type options and confirm by
pressing the OK button. The below screen will be shown.
Loading (ripping) has finished. Select OK and confirm by
pressing OK. The screen below will be displayed.
If you did not enter info for title, artist, year or genre on
the previous step, you can enter all the info here.
After entering the info, select OK and confirm it by
pressing the OK button.
TIP You can edit tag information for loaded CDs in Music
DB of the X10 easily through WebInterface.