User manual

15.USB host port for USB devices
You can use various USB devices like USB memory stick, MP3 Player, USB external hard disk, etc
with the USB host port of X10. Plug the USB device into the USB host port of the X10. Go
into the Browser screen. The USB device appears in the browser screen as shown below.
16.External USB mass storage
If you connect the X10 to your computer using the USB cable, the X10 works as an external mass
storage device.
[connecting to PC] [Recognized by PC] [Disconnected form PC]
17. Browser
If you go to the Browser icon, you can run the following functions.
17-1. Play audio file data CD’s
The X10 supports data CDs with recorded audio files. The X10 supports various audio files such
as; MP3, FLAC, WAV, M4A, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, PCM, PLS, M3U, etc.
[Warning] If you connect the X10 to your PC via the USB cable, you
will see the hard disk of the X10 on your PC. There is a .DB folder.
This is the Music DB database. Don’t delete, edit or move any file
in this folder.