Operation Manual

Applications menu
From the application menu you can also customize the main menu. Press the left
selection key to display the available options:
Wallpapers: choose the wallpaper of the main menu among the available
Soft key: select the application associated with the right soft key in the main menu.
Under the application menu, use the arrow keys [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] to select one of the
icons, and press [
] button to access the application.
Select the icon on the applications menu, and press [ ] button to access the
alarm application. Press [ ] button enable or disable the focused alarm, or press
the left soft key to edit, delete or add new alarms.
Select the icon on the applications menu, and press [ ] button to access the
call log. Use the keys displayed at the bottom of the interface to perform the different
arithmetic functions.
Call Log
Select the icon on the applications menu, and press [ ] button to access the
call log. From this menu you can consult the record of calls made, received and missed
in the phone.
[ ] Divide
[ ] Multiply
[ ] Subtract
[ ] Add
[ ] Equal to