
Thank you for selecting Coda Technologies and our precison line of of high denition,
high value audio components. The Control Amplier CSi Balanced is a precision device,
designed in an eort to provide the listener with unmatched sound quality, design,
and construction. The CSib will provide you with many years of listening enjoyment.
The Control Amplier CSi Balanced is the latest renement of the Control Amplier CSi,
itself a substantially improved evolution of the highly regarded Unison Ultra. Most notable
are the styling and industrial design changes, introduced with the CSi, bringing the CSib
harmony with the Coda C series line styling changes introduced in 2006.
The preamplier and amplier sections remain virtually unchanged from the Unison Ultra,
while the power supply and output stages have been improved to increase power to
220W per channel.
The CSib also includes an extended preamplier section incorporating a new balanced
audio input. The preamplier in the CSib has been fully modularized, becoming a seper-
ate unit from the amplier itself and increasing future extensibility.
Other functional, optional, or operational changes are noted throughout this manual.
In order to operate your amplier properly and to realize all of the capabilites of the
CSIb, we recommend that you read this entire manual carefully to insure maximum
benet from your audio system.