User's Guide

CI-PM-3 Paging Modulator Instruction Manual 4-1
4.1 Data / Control Port (Connector J1) Pin Functions
Table 4-1 Data / Control Port (Connector J1) Pin Functions
1 2-Lvl Data 2 Level RS-232 Data input.
2 4-Lvl Data 4 Level RS-232 Data input.
3 Ext Clock External Clock for 4 Level signal synchronization.
4 2-Lvl/4-Lvl Select 2 Level / 4 Level select. Low = 2 Level, High = 4 Level.
5 A/D Mode Select Analog / Digital Mode select. Low = Digital, High = Analog.
6 Discr O/P Discriminator Output from Receiver.
7 PTT Push To Talk.
8 Ground Ground.
9 Balanced Audio I/P 1 Balanced Audio Input 1. Routed directly to Transmitter.
10 Balanced Audio I/P 2 Balanced Audio Input 2. Routed directly to Transmitter.
11 Data Out Regenerated digital data from receiver.
12 HU/Busy CTCSS Hang Up / Busy signal from optional CTCSS module.
13 No Connection -
14 No Connection -
15 No Connection -
4.2 Motherboard Interface (Connector P1) Pin Functions
Table 4-2 Motherboard Interface Connector P1 Pin Functions
Note: Bolded entries are utilized by CI-PM-3
C1 IMC1 Inter-module Communications Line No. 1
B1 5W RX AUDIO 5W RX A/RX B Audio From System Monitor
A1 5W RX AUDIO 5W RX A/RX B Audio From System Monitor
C 2 TX A AUDIO CNTL TX A Audio Control
B2 13.8V 13.8V from M3 Motherboard J8 (Unregulated)
A2 13.8V 13.8V from M3 Motherboard J8 (Unregulated)
C3 IMC2 Inter-module Communications Line No. 2
B3 RX A AMPD AUDIO RX A Amplified Audio Output
A3 RX B AMPD AUDIO RX B Amplified Audio Output
C 4 TX B AUDIO CNTL TX B Audio Control
B4 9.5V Regulated +9.5V from System Monitor
A4 9.5V Regulated +9.5V from System Monitor
C5 IMC3 Inter-module Communications Line No. 3
B5 RX A 9.5V RX A Current Sense Output Line (Supply)
A5 RX B 9.5V RX B Current Sense Output Line (Supply)
C 6 ALARM 1 Inter-module Alarm Line No. 1.
B6 TX A PTT Transmitter A Press To Talk input.
A 6 TX B PTT Transmitter B Press To Talk input.
C 7 ALARM 2 Inter-module Alarm Line No. 2.
B7 RX A 9.5V MON RX A Current Sense Output Line (Module)
A7 RX B 9.5V MON RX B Current Sense Output Line (Module)
C 8 ALARM 3 Inter-module Alarm Line No. 3
B8 RX A COR RX A Carrier Operated Relay Output
A 8 RX B COR RX B Carrier Operated Relay Output