Instruction Manual

Frequency Select Handle Instruction Manual 2-1
2.1 General
The user interface consists of an 8 digit display and 3 pushbuttons, frequency increase Ø,
frequency decrease Œ, and options ¸¸
. On power up or key press, the synthesizer is interrogated
for the current channel number and channel frequency. This information is used to generate the
display, and update the synthesizer itself.
The Frequency Select Handle communicates with the synthesizer using a standard 2 wire serial
interface (9600 Baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit). The command protocols are simple ASCII,
both to and from the synthesizer. Another dedicated line allows the handle to temporarily wake up
the synthesizer if it has been powered down. (This is currently only used on the transmitters)
The Frequency Select Handle is built around a PIC microcontroller and is powered from regulated
9.5 Vdc.
2.2 Handle Operation.
1) On Power Up the following front panel indications will occur: (in order)
Daniels Banner ("Daniels Electronics Ltd") will scroll by.
The current Channel Number will be displayed (for about 2 sec).
The current Operating Frequency will be displayed ( for about 2 sec)
The display then does to sleep.
2) To display the Current Frequency:
a) Press either the Ø (Frequency increase) or Œ (Frequency decrease) buttons
This will display the current Channel Number (for about 2 sec), then the current frequency
(for about 3 sec) The display will then go back to sleep.
b) To keep the display awake, just press the Ø or Œ buttons again before the display has
gone back to sleep. This will display the frequency for another 2-3 sec.
3) To change the Programmable Channel operating frequency (channel 16 only)
a) Press either Ø or Œ buttons to wake up the display.
b) Then use Ø or Œ buttons to change the frequency. ( Note the buttons must be unlocked to
be used. See (4) below.