User's Manual

The CR2600 needs only minimum maintenance to operate. The ps below for maintenance suggesons.
Cleaning the CR2600
The CR2600 window should be clean to allow the best performance of the device. The window is the clear plasc piece inside the
head of the reader. Avoid touching the window. Your CR2600 uses CMOS technology that is much like a digital camera. A dirty
window may stop the CR2600 from reading bar codes.
If the window becomes dirty, clean it with a so, non-abrasive cloth or a facial ssue (no loons or addives) that has been
moistened with water. A mild detergent may be used to clean the window, but the window should be wiped with a water moistened
cloth or ssue aer using the detergent.
The following agents are approved to clean a Code bar code reader:
1) Alcohol Wipes
2) Clorox® Non-Bleach Disenfecng Wipes
3) Clorox Bleach Soluon (10% Clorox bleach, 90% tap water)
4) Medical DiAirKem
5) Sani-Cloth® HB, Super Sani-Cloth® Germicidal, Sani-Cloth® Plus Germicidal Disposable Wipes
6) Virex® II Disinfectant Cleaner
21.0 - CR2600 Maintenance
Technical Support and Returns
To modify any default sengs, download the CR2600 Conguraon guide atles.php and scan the appropriate
code. For user specic conguraons, contact Applicaon Engineering at Code
For all returns Code will issue an RMA number which must be placed on the packing slip when the reader is returned.
Visit hp:// for more informaon.