User`s guide

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Media Sensitivity
Different media types exhibit different heat sensitivity. The
VARIABLE_DARKNESS command controls the amount of printhead heat.
Different media types can also exhibit different response times. The
media is in motion while the printhead dots are heating and cooling, so
areas of the label that theoretically should stay white are subjected to
temperatures close to their darkening temperature. This can result in
some bleeding of dark areas into light areas. This can adversely affect
the reliability of rotated bar codes. Increasing print speed and print
darkness tend to increase bleeding, so speed and darkness can interact
to affect the reliability of rotated bar codes.
Some Cognitive printers support the VARIABLE MEDIA_ADJUST
command, which can reduce print bleeding in some cases. Printers that
support this command employ an advanced "dot history" algorithm,
which tracks the activity of each printhead dot from one dot row to the
next. If a given dot was off prior to being commanded on, the printer will
apply a little extra energy to the dot to force it to come up to full
temperature faster, thus improving the contrast on the leading edges of
objects. This can significantly improve the reliability of rotated bar