User's Manual

Menu functions
STK is the extra service offered by the network operator. Your phone supports STK
function. This function cannot be used if the SIM card or the network operation company
does not support this service.
For more information, please contact the network operator.
Your phone is fitted with camera allows you to take photos whenever possible. You can
store the pictures in phone or customize the wallpaper.
Select this option to enter photo preview interface, press the left/right navigator key to
adjust EV parameter.
Press "1" key to adjust [Image size], press "2" key to adjust [Image quality], press "4"
key to adjust [White balance], press "6" key to adjust [Delay time], press "7" key to
adjust[Cont. shot].
In photo preview interface, you can choose the following operations by pressing the Left
soft key in a pop-up menu: Photos,Camera settings, Image settings, White balance, Scene
mode, Effect settings, Storage and Restore default.
In this interface, press the OK key to take photos, if [Cont. shot] is [Off] after having taken
a picture you can preview that picture.
Internet surfing using the phone is based on Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). WAP
translates the internet language into WML and HTML languages understandable by your
phone. It requires only the phone and a WAP server support to surf the net. Your network
will need to support this feature for you to surf the internet using your phone.
·Homepage: You can visit your set homepage.
·Bookmarks: Access your saved or bookmarked sites, go to, edit a bookmark, delete the
bookmark, delete all bookmarks, or bookmark the current page. Book marking means
saving a page as favorite for easier access in the future.
·Input address: Input a web address and visit the site.
·Last web address: Access the list of recently visited pages .
·Recent pages: Access the list of recently and saved visited pages.
·Settings: Configure WAP parameters.