User Manual

Table Of Contents
pg. 29/104
Some controllers have Analog Stick Drift causing
issues during game play.
Here are a couple of examples of this issue taking place:
Your cursor in the Town Map drifts.
Your character starts looking in a different direction when you stop
If you are experiencing any of the issues above, or something similar,
you can use the Analog Stick Deadzone to improve your analog sticks in
Pokémon™ Mode.
STEP 1: Enter MENU MODE. (Hold (XB: VIEW / PS: SHARE) until
you feel a rumble).
STEP 2: HOLD the HOME button (XB: HOME or Xbox® button / PS:
PS button) for half a second. You will start to feel a continuous rumble.
STEP 3: TAP (XB: MENU / PS: OPTIONS) to toggle the Analog
Stick Deadzone. Afterwards your controller will stop rumbling, and you
will no longer be in Menu Mode.