User's Manual

ENU STATUS : 1-0-0
Copyright - refer to title page
Page 61
Step 3: Click to enter to Params Setting page. Click , users can set the device
information and system time.
Figure 72: Commissioning Procedure Params Setting
Figure 73: Dev Info & Date/Time
Dev Info mainly used to record device location and Date/Time provid a time reference. Mouse click the
Config Value of Date/Time to auto receive the computer time.
NOTE: Make sure all the ANT ports of RUs are connected with dummy load or antenna system
before proceeding to step 4.
Step 4: Click to enter to MU Calibratiion page after finishing Parems Setting.
Select a frequency band that need to calibrate from the table in the middle of the page.
Read Tip1 on the left side and click of Tip 1