
8 Hangar 9 Sundowner 36 ARF
10. Once the alignment has been set, use a felt-tipped
pen to mark the outline of the fuselage on the stabilizer. This
will allow easy repositioning as it will be removed in the
following step.
11. Remove the stabilizer from the fuselage. Note the
direction of the top and bottom of the stabilizer indicated
by the tape placed on it back in step 1. Slide the elevator
into the slot, noting the top and bottom to match that of the
stabilizer that was just removed.
Note: Read steps 12 through 15 before mixing
any epoxy. You must be able to complete these
steps before the epoxy begins to cure.
12. Slide the stabilizer back into position in the fuselage.
Leave the stabilizer so the exposed wood can be accessed.
13. Mix 1/2 ounce (15mL) of 15-minute epoxy. Use an
epoxy brush to apply the epoxy to the exposed wood on both
the top and bottom of the stabilizer. Make sure not to get any
epoxy on the elevator.
14. Slide the stabilizer in position. Use a paper towel and
rubbing alcohol to remove any epoxy that oozes out when
the stabilizer is positioned.
15. Before the epoxy can cure, make sure to check the
alignment of the stabilizer as described in steps 7 through
9. It is very important the stabilizer is positioned correctly
before the epoxy begins to cure, as it will be difficult to
readjust its position after the epoxy has cured. Do not
proceed until the epoxy has fully cured.
16. Remove the wing panels and wing tube at this time.
Place a T-pin in the center of the six hinges removed in step 1.
This will center the hinges evenly in the stabilizer and elevator.