User Manual

. This product is compatible with both IOS and Android system, and when used with the
iphone 7 or above, you need to use the original adapter cable;
. For smart phones with IOS system (Iphones), this Mic works well either in Audio or
Video mode;
. For the smart phones with Android system, this Mic works well in audio mode, it may not
be compatible with partial smart phones in video mode (Then we suggest you to try the
3rd party APP);
. To avoid signal interference during usage, please set the phone to flight mode;
. The working distance will be affected by the surrounding environment. In the process,
please try to make sure the environment is barrier free and turn off the WIFI of your
smart phone;
. During usage, the receiver should not be close to other UHF transmitters, radio stations
and other devices which may cause interference;
. Please keep this product in dry environment;
. Do not expose the device in rain or humid environment, or there will be a danger of
short circuit;