User guide

1541 Ultimate User Manual
C64 may turn a black screen when powered up while the IEC cable
is connected to the 1541U, and show the normal blue BASIC
screen when it is disconnected!
Because a PSU that delivers too little current may cause the components
on the 1541U to take longer to power-up, you could leave the C64
powered on for a couple of minutes, and then do a power-cycle (turn C64
off, then on again). If the C64 and 1541U behaves correctly (at least a bit
better for a while, while the components are drained) the PSU problem
will be confirmed.
There probably is a reason why real disk drives are externally powered….
Renegade/Maverick copier
Renegade/Maverick copier is not compatible to the Fast Loader of the
Action Replay family cartridges. When booted it will show a garbled
startup-screen. You should boot into NORMAL RESET, and use
LOAD’*’,id,1 to boot this software.
SuperSnapshot cartridge
The SuperSnapshot cartridge does not cope with 3
party drive kernels.
WarpCopy and real 1541 drives
WarpCopy 0.6 does work with 1541 Ultimate using firmware 1.5, but
there always seem to be timing issues at firmware 1.5. For me I found that
it works best if I write directly to the 1541U’s Emulated drive instead of to
a real drive. Depending on the real drive I use, I had different flaws,
including an almost unresponsive real drive. The drives themselves are
known to be in fully working condition.
1541U Freezer failure
The freezer of the 1541 Ultimate seems to have some issues. These issues
are not solved in firmware 1.5. You can notice freezer failure when you
enter the menu of the 1541U, and then leave it. The program you were
running might react strangely, or might even be unresponsive. One known
problem is that firmware 1.5 is not able to sample the raster IRQ high bit,
bit 7 of 0xD011.
Diskchange issues
Diskchange detection is not yet fully functional, it works, but there are
some issues. Even the freezer might corrupt things, so problems when
changing disks might be related to the freezer instead of to the Diskchange