User Manual

Chapter 13 Loopback testing backhaul links
166 Release 2.0, 910056 Rev01d
Troubleshooting failed backhaul links
This procedure explains how to run the internal loopback test on backhaul links that failed the external
loopback test. This section also outlines what to do based on the test results: If the internal loop back passes,
troubleshoot the cables and loopback devices. If the internal loopback fails, the node may be faulty and you
should call Airvana.
This procedure assumes the node is in diagnostic mode, a CLI session is active, and the preceding loopback
procedures have been completed.
1. If the backhaul links are T1 or E1, enter the following CLI command to specify the backhaul links you
want to set to internal loopback mode:
BIOSC>mmb <port memory locations> 04
•<port memory locations> are the backhaul links to place into internal loopback mode. See
Table 25
For example, the following command sets the second T1 or E1 backhaul to internal loopback mode:
BIOSC>mmb f500010a 04
2. If the backhaul links are Ethernet, enter the following CLI command:
BIOSC>poke874 fenet1 13 803c
3. Run the internal backhaul test on the interface(s) you have set to internal loopback mode with the
following CLI command:
BIOSC>commsend <number of tests> <ports>
<number of tests> specifies the number times each port is to be tested. The valid range is
between (0 – 100000).
<ports> specifies the names of the ports to be tested. See Table 26
Table 25 Specifying the backhaul links to be set to internal loopback mode
<port memory
Indicates the following ports to be set to internal loopback mode
f500000a The first T1 or E1 backhaul
f500010a The second T1 or E1 backhaul
f500020a The third T1 or E1 backhaul
f500030a The fourth T1 or E1 backhaul