User Manual

Verifying GPS status
IP-RN 8000 Installation & Commissioning Guide 173
1. Verify GPS is locked to a satellite with the following:
AIRVANA-03>show gps-health
The following displays:
GPS module is present
GPS Lock Status: Locked
Even Second: Valid
If the display shows any other values, GPS is not functioning properly. Troubleshoot the following:
The TFU module containing the GPS module. Ensure that it is properly inserted in the chassis and
that its LEDs indicate normal operations.
Verify that the GPS antenna jumper cables exiting the cabinet through the Rox System cabinet seal
are properly connected to GPS antennas and that those antennas are functioning properly.
2. Enter the following command to display the current UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) time as
reported by the GPS module:
AIRVANA-03>show gps time
The GMT time displays:
Current UTC Time read from the GPS: 19:32:18 07/01/02
Even-second is valid.
Verify the time displayed is correct.
If the correct time does not display, troubleshoot the GPS antennas and receivers.
This procedure is complete. Disabling all sectors
on page 174.
It can take 10 minutes after the GPS antenna is connected and the
TFU module is powered on for the GPS to acquire and display
the correct time.