User Manual

About this guide
xvi Release 2.0, 910056 Rev01d
A.B.C.D Indicates a standard IP address. For example:
>telnet <A.B.C.D>
A valid command in this syntax is:
/bit-length-mask Indicates an IP mask in bit-length format. For example:
>ip address <A.B.C.D/bit-length-mask>
A valid command in this syntax is:
>ip address
AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF Indicates a Media Access Control (MAC) hardware address specified as six
pairs of hexadecimal characters separated by colons. For example:
>ip address <A.B.C.D> <AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF>
A valid command in this syntax is:
>ip address 11:22:33:DD:EE:FF
arrow icon (
Indicates the Graphical User Interface (GUI) menu path. For example:
Select Edit
Add Network to open the Add Network screen.
In the above example, you select the Add Network option from the Edit
menu to open the Add Network screen.
blue underline text
Indicates a hypertext link in a PDF file to the cross-referenced text. For
See Audience on page xiv.
In the above example, clicking on Audience brings you to the appropriate
section and page in a PDF file for the Audience section.
plain screen font Indicates system output in a command line or system-generated file. For
IP address is alive.
The above example shows the system’s response after you successfully ping
the identified IP address.
boldface font Indicates GUI menu options, drop-down lists, and buttons. For example:
1. Select Edit
Delete Node.
The system prompts you to confirm the request.
2. Click OK.
plain italic font Indicates file and directory names, book titles, and emphasized words.
Table 1
Airvana text conventions (continued)
Convention Description