Instruction Manual

INS_NetWave_REV– 06/10/13 PAGE 57
TECH SUPPORT: 1.888.678.9427
11.7 Firewall
The Network » Firewall page contains the subpages for General Settings, Port Forwards, and
Traffic Rules.
11.7.1 General Settings
The firewall creates zones over the network interfaces to control network traffic flow.
The Network » Firewall » General Settings page contains the zone settings.
Zone Settings
Figure 49: General Settings for the Firewall Zones.
Enable SYN-flood
Checked by default.
Drop invalid packets Unchecked by default.
Input To accept by default.
Output To accept by default.
Forward To reject by default.
Figure 50: The Zones section showing the default settings for the firewall zones.
11.7.2 Port Forwards
Port forwarding allows remote computers on the Internet to connect to a specific computer or
service within the private LAN.
The Network » Firewall » Port Forwards page lets you define the protocol and port number to
access an internal IP address.