User manual

ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS | Ref. quality process 002/03 | v. 22/09/2014 | K01070
Rotate the grind regulator ( ) until reaching the grind level desired.
Rotating the grind regulator clockwise will result in a courser grind; turning the
regulatorcounterclockwisewillresultinanergrinder*(Fig. 3).
This helps to avoid jamming the burrs, which can occur when coffee beans are in the
In the stepped adjustment versions, the positions on the grind regulator are limited
by“steps”thataredenedbytheholeandpinpoints(Fig. 4).
The instructions detailed in section 8.2.1. on adjusting the regulator should be
followed, while at the same time, pulling the brake post ( ) (Fig. 4) up to release the
locking action of the post.