Installation guide

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Meridian Companion Installation and Maintenance Guide
Configuring the Meridian 1 for the
Meridian Companion system
Configuring portable telephones on a Meridian 1 system is similar to setting up
2500 telephones. You need to be familiar with the 2500 set configuration before
you configure the Meridian 1 for the Meridian Companion system. If you have
never configured 2500 sets on a Meridian 1 system, review the installation
procedures in Meridian 1 System Installation Procedures before working with
Meridian Companion portable telephones.
1. Verify the card status of the Meridian 1 system.
2. Change the ringer default using Table 14.
The ringer default determines the maximum number of telephones that
can be in the ringing state at the same time. For analog phones, change the
ringer default from 8 to 16 to ensure that portable telephones ring when
receiving incoming calls.
Table 14 : LD 97—Changing the ringer default parameters
Prompt Response Meaning
REQ CHG change or print peripheral equipment parameters
TYPE XPE shelf controller and super loop configuration
XPEC 0, 1-95, xx assigns shelf controller number
LOC xxxxxx location code for shelf controller
MED <cr> connection media
RGTP (8), 16 16 set to concurrent ringers