Installation guide

Page 119 of 206
Meridian Companion Installation and Maintenance Guide
Registering and verifying portable
To register portable telephones to a system, you use the Administration
Terminal or Companion Manager together with the portable.
This section describes registration and verification using the Administration
Terminal. For information about how to register portables using Companion
Manager, see the Companion Manager Installation and Operations Guide. For
more information about the Administration Terminal, refer to the Meridian
Companion Administration Terminal Operations Guide.
You can use the Administration Terminal to perform the following functions:
enable registration (no portable telephones can be registered unless the
system registration is enabled)
check the status of each WTN
deregister a WTN due to portable telephone loss or breakage
check to make sure that sufficient credits are available
Before a portable will operate, it must be registered with the system. Ensure that
you are within range of a functioning Base Station when you register the
When you distribute the portables, inform the users that the portables are
registered and give them the corresponding registration slot numbers or system
name. Portables can be registered to a maximum of nine different Companion