Installation guide

Troubleshooting Page 179 of 206
Meridian Companion Installation and Maintenance Guide
Understanding event messages
Event messages appear as items in the Administration log or the Event/Alarm
log. Most of these event messages appear during normal maintenance. An
installer may view the event messages to diagnose a problem in the system.
Each event is assigned a severity number. An
preceding this number (for
), may appear in the event message.
has the lowest priority. If
the log is full, new event messages with a higher severity number replace
existing event messages of a lower severity. For this reason, check event
messages at regular intervals and deal with all messages.
Table 42 : Event messages in the Event/Alarm log
Event code Meaning
The Event/Alarm log has been cleared.
The debugging facility has been accessed.
EVT299 The system has been restarted after a power outage.
EVT301-ccuux Radio
cannot successfully receive the data image during
Both radios belonging to the Base Station will be disabled. This may
occur if the flash EEPROM is faulty. The Base Station should be
EVT302-ccuux Radio ccuux cannot be written to during data transfer.
Both radios belonging to the Base Station will be disabled. The Base
Station’s flash EEPROM is faulty. The Base Station should be replaced.
EVT303-ccuux Radio ccuux cannot be synchronized with the other radios in the
Both radios belonging to the Base Station will be disabled. The Base
Station hardware is faulty. The Base Station should be replaced. Two
events are raised: one for the B1 channel radio and another for the B2
channel radio. A corresponding alarm code 53 will occur
EVT304-ccuux Radio ccuux cannot be synchronized with other radios because of
system overload.