Installation guide

6-2 Software upgrades and conversions
Meridian Mail Card Option Release 9.0
Unless you have also ordered additional capabilities for your system, you do
not have to enter a keycode to upgrade the software.
If you have ordered additional capabilities for your system, you will use the
same keycode to enable them after the software upgrade or conversion. You
must enable them one at a time and in the following order:
Software upgrade or conversion
Hardware modification (Refer to page 7-2.)
Storage expansion (Refer to page 7-3.)
Language expansion (Refer to page 7-5.)
Feature expansion (Refer to page 7-6.)
Failure to follow this order may cause problems with the system.
Of course, not all systems will require each of these steps—simply skip the
ones you don’t have to perform, but maintain the order. Don’t, for instance,
attempt a feature expansion before a language expansion.
Performing a software upgrade or conversion
To perform a software upgrade or conversion:
Perform a full backup of the Meridian Mail system. (Refer to page 4-7.)
2 Run the System Installation and Modification Utility from the Meridian
Mail software tape. (Refer to Chapter 2.)
3 From the System Installation and Modification Menu, choose
“2 Upgrade to the latest MM9 release”.
“3 Convert MM8 system to MM9 system”.
If your system is of an earlier release than MM-8, you must first convert
from that release to MM-8 and then proceed to convert to MM-9. You can convert
to MM-8 from any release labelled 1.x—1.10 or 1.12c, for example—but you must
use an MM-8 software tape.
4 Respond to the prompts as they appear.