Installation guide

System expansion 7-7
Installation and Maintenance Standard 3.0 March 1994
4 Respond to the prompts as they appear. Depending on the optional fea-
tures you’re enabling, you should be prepared to supply the following
values for the system:
The feature keycode from the system’s label.
The data port locations.
Card option systems can have up to six data ports: the first two are
reserved for the system administration terminal and the link to the
Meridian 1 switch, the remaining four are the four ports available on
the RSM card, if one is installed. The following are the recommend-
ed settings for these ports:
The port locations you define here must match the connections you
make to the RSM card. The wiring diagrams for hospitality systems
(Figure 8-1 on page 8-3) and networked systems (Figure 9-1 on
page 9-2) are based on these recommended values. If you custom-
ize the port locations, ensure that you change the wiring according-
Don’t worry if you respond to a prompt incorrectly. Before the final ex-
pansion begins you are given another opportunity to re-enter the infor-
The final expansion takes about 45 minutes from start to finish, plus an
extra 20 minutes for each additional language. Be prepared to insert any
additional language tapes as the system requests them. After the final
language has been loaded, you are prompted as follows:
The operation successfully completed.
Please remove the tape and boot into service.
5 At the prompt:
a. Remove the tape from the drive. (Refer to page 1-16.)
b. Turn off the power to Meridian Mail.
c. Wait ten seconds.
Node 1, Card 1, Port 1 Console Console Console Console
Node 1, Card 1, Port 2 CSL1 (AML) CSL1 (AML) CSL1 (AML) CSL1 (AML)
Node 1, Card 3 (RSM), Port 1 Modem GAC Modem GAC
Node 1, Card 3 (RSM), Port 2 Printer GAC (optional) Printer Modem
Node 1, Card 3 (RSM), Port 3 Printer PMS Printer PMS
Node 1, Card 3 (RSM), Port 4 Printer PMS Printer PMS