Installation guide

Terminal configuration 11-7
Installation and Maintenance Standard 3.0 March 1994
Table 11-4
VT420 set-up value
s 11-4
Global Set-Up
On Line Comm1=RS232
Sessions on Comm1 70Hz
CRT Saver Printer Shared
Display Set-Up
80 Columns No Status Display
Interpret Controls Cursor Steady
Auto Wrap 3x24 pages
Jump Scroll 24 Lines/Screen
Dark Screen Vertical Coupling
Cursor Page Coupling
Block Style Cursor Auto Resize Screen
General Set-up
VT400 Mode, 7-bit Controls Normal Cursor Keys
User Defined Keys Unlocked No New Line
User Features Unlocked UPSS DEC Supplemental
8-bit Characters VT420 ID
Application Keypad When Available Update
Communications Set-Up
(for Sys. Admin. terminal)
Disconnect, 2 s Delay
(for Auxiliary terminals)
Limited Transmit
Receive=Transmit No Auto Answerback
Xoff=64 Answerback=
8bits, No Parity Not Concealed
1 Stop Bit Modem High Speed = ignore
No Local Echo Modem Low Speed = ignore
Data Leads Only
Printer Set-Up
Speed=9600 8bits, No Parity, 1 Stop bit
No printer to Host Print Full Page
Normal Print Mode Print National Only
XOFF No Terminator
Keyboard Set-up
Typewriter Keys Ignore Alt
Caps Lock F1 = Hold
Auto Repeat F2 = Print
Keyclick High F3 = Set-Up
Margin Bell F4 = Session
Warning Bell High F5 = Break
Character Mode ,< and .> Keys
<X] Delete <> Key
Local Compose ‘~Key
Tab Set-Up
Leave this screen at the default values