Installation guide

1-16 Hardware installation
Meridian Mail Card Option Release 9.0
If the tape drive has been correctly mounted on the wall, insert tapes with the
label facing the wall and the opening facing upwards.
The tapes you receive from Northern Telecom are 3M brand DC6250 tapes.
Be sure to use this tape format for your backups.
Removing a tape
Slide the handle on the front of the drive to the left until it the tape is ejected
from the drive. Do not attempt to remove a tape when the drive is running.
Removing the external tape drive
For systems not equipped with a permanently installed external tape drive, the
Meridian 1 representative is responsible for all software procedures that re-
quire a tape drive and should therefore include a tape drive as part of his or
her standard equipment.
To remove the external tape drive:
Courtesy Down Meridian Mail and turn it off. (Refer to page 4-5.)
2 Turn off the power to the tape drive and unplug it.
3 Detach the grounding wire from the Meridian 1 cabinet.
4 Unplug the SCSI cable from the Disk/Power Supply Card and install an
SCSI terminator in its place.
5 Start Meridian Mail. (Refer to page 4-6.)
Installing a printer
Connecting a printer to the System Administrator’s terminal allows the ad-
ministrator to print reports using Meridian Mail’s Operational Measurements
Potential data loss
Whenever an external tape drive is not attached to the
Disk/Power Supply Card, install the SCSI terminator
in its place.