Installation guide

4-10 Basic system procedures
Meridian Mail Card Option Release 9.0
6 Remove the external tape drive, if required. (Refer to page 1-16.)
The Tools Menu
The Meridian Mail Tools Menu contains several useful functions which are
not used as frequently as those contained in the System Administrator’s Main
Menu. To access the Tools Menu:
From the Meridian Mail logon screen, press .
2 At the password prompt, enter TOOLS .
3 At the password prompt, enter the System Administrator’s password
and press .
You are presented with the Tools Menu.
The following are brief descriptions of two of the functions available through
this menu. For full descriptions of every function, refer to System Administra-
tion Tools.
Adding a block of users
This function allows you to bypass the standard System Administrator’s pro-
cedures and quickly add a large number of consecutive user mailboxes. To
use this function:
From the Tools Menu, choose “13 Other”“1 Add/Delete Many Users”
2 At the prompt, Please Specify Command?, use and to choose
“Set Parameters”.
3 At the appropriate prompts, enter:
The customer number, if this is a multicustomer system
The Class of Service number you wish to assign to the block of us-
ers. To define a Class of Service, refer to
Meridian Mail Card Op-
tion—System Administration, the Basics.
To avoid service interruptions
Do not attempt to use any function in the Tools Menu
unless it is covered in this guide.