User`s guide

Setting up the system 4-27
Setting up the Voice Forms feature
Standard 1.0 System Administration Guide January 1998
Setting up the Voice Forms feature
The Voice Forms feature has two parts: Voice Forms
administration and Voice Forms transcription.
Voice Forms administration involves the creation of
applications that collect voice information from callers. An
application consists of a series of questions, played in sequential
order, to which callers give voice responses. It is as if callers are
filling in a form over the phone.
Voice Forms transcription refers to the process of retrieving the
information collected by a voice form application. Once
retrieved, the data can be processed in a number of ways,
depending on why you have collected the information.
For information and procedures for setting up the Voice Forms
feature, refer to Meridian Mail Voice Services Application
Guide (NTP 555-7001-325).