User`s guide

5-18 Making voice recordings
Recording a call answering greeting
Standard 1.0 System Administration Guide January 1998
Recording a call answering greeting
This topic provides information and procedures for recording a
call answering greeting.
When you have MMUI installed, the call answering greeting
identifies your organization to callers and users. Typically, this
greeting consists of the spoken name of the organization.
The call answering greeting is played when
an external caller is transferred to Meridian Mail to leave a
a user answers a remote notification call
This greeting is available only if the MMUI interface is
installed on your system. It is not available if VMUIF is
You record the call answering greeting from the administration
terminal or from a telephone set with administrator capability.
Using the call
answering greeting
This greeting is optional. If you record the greeting, external
callers hear it before they hear a user’s personal greeting. If no
greeting is recorded, callers hear only the user’s personal
greeting when they connect to a mailbox.
During remote notification calls, the following prompt is played
to users if no call answering greeting is recorded: “Hello.
Meridian Mail has received a message for ....”
When a call answering greeting exists, the following prompt is
played: “Hello. <Call Answering Greeting> has received a
message for ....”