User`s guide

Setting up Meridian Mail security 6-23
System Speed Call
Standard 1.0 System Administration Guide January 1998
System Speed Call
System Speed Call extends the capabilities of the Speed Call
feature. In addition to providing abbreviated dialing, using an
entry in a System Speed Call list lets the internal user
temporarily override the Class of Service and TGAR assigned
to a station, and place a call to a telephone number in the
System Speed Call list.
How it works
With this feature, you can assign the most appropriate CLS and
TGAR restrictions to a station to limit the potential for
unauthorized calling, and, at the same time, allow calls to
approved destinations. The “approved telephone numbers” that
you define in a system Speed Call list extend the station’s
calling privileges beyond the station restriction levels.
You can assign stations to different System Speed Call lists.
You can also designate these stations as either System Speed
Call Users (SSUs) or System Speed Call User/Controllers
(SSCs) of the list. You can also assign list controlling
capabilities to a key on the attendant console. However, this key
cannot override CLS and TGAR because the attendant is not
subject to these restrictions.
A System Speed Call list can also override the station
restrictions imposed through the Least Cost Routing software.
Implementing and
auditing the feature
Use the following table to determine which overlay programs
and prompts should be used for implementing or auditing the
System Speed Call feature.
For Implement using Print using
Stations LD 10—FTR
LD 20 by TN; LD 10/11 by TN
from Release 19 and up
Speed Call list LD 18—SSC, all prompts LD 20 by list number
Attendant LD 12—KEY LD 20 by TN