User`s guide

6-44 Setting up Meridian Mail security
Internal Call Forward
Standard 1.0 System Administration Guide January 1998
Internal Call Forward
Internal Call Forward (ICF) is available for systems using X11
software Release 19 and up. ICF directs all internal calls to a
specified location different from the call forward destination of
external calls. An internal call is considered an extension-to-
extension call, Direct Inward System Access (DISA) call,
Group Call, a call over a trunk route designated as internal, an
incoming trunk call using private numbering, or an attendant-
originated call. The default for this feature is 4 digits but can be
defined for up to 23 digits.
How to use ICF
Ensure that Call Forward to Trunk Access Codes is set to “no
in the customer Data Block and that Call Forward External is
denied. A combination of these features in the “allow” state
would permit users to call forward their phones to BARS/
NARS access codes or trunk access codes, and receive a second
dial tone when looping through private networks or entering the
system through DISA.
Implementing and
auditing the feature
Use the following table to determine which overlays and
prompts should be used to implement or audit the Internal Call
Forward feature.
For Implement using Print using
Customer LD 15—CFTA LD 21 by customer
Stations LD 10—FTR, ICF LD 10, 11 by TN from Release
19 and up
LD 20 by TN
LD 81 by ICF
Flexible Feature Codes LD 57—ICFA, ICFD, ICFV LD 57 by CODE