User`s guide

6-158 Setting up Meridian Mail security
CLID Monitoring
Standard 1.0 System Administration Guide January 1998
Field descriptions
The following table only describes those fields which are used
to set up CLID monitoring. For descriptions of all the Voice
Security Options fields, see “Using the Voice Security Options
screen” on page 6-125.
Monitor CLIDs during Monitoring Period
This field indicates whether CLIDs are to be
monitored by the Voice Messaging Service during
login or by the Thru-Dial service. This field also
indicates when this monitoring should take place.
When this field is set to No, CLIDs are not
monitored, even if there are entries in the CLIDs to
Monitor field.
When this field is set to Yes, CLIDs are monitored
during the system access monitoring period only.
When this field is set to Always_Monitor, CLIDs
are monitored at all times.
CLIDs to Monitor
You can enter up to 12 CLIDs.
These CLIDs are monitored by Voice Messaging
on mailbox login or by the Thru-Dial service if the
Monitor CLIDs during Monitoring Period is set to
Yes or Always_Monitor.
CLIDs can be up to 15 digits in length.
You can enter complete CLIDs, area codes only, or
area codes and office codes. Do not include any
dialing prefixes, such as ESN prefixes, in the
numbers you enter.
4165551234 is a complete CLID.
416 is an area code. All CLIDs from this area code
are monitored.
416555 is an area code and exchange code. All
CLIDs in the 555 exchange in the 416 area code
are monitored.