User`s guide

About this guide 1-7
Structure of this guide
Standard 1.0 System Administration Guide January 1998
Chapter 6:
Setting up Meridian Mail
Identifies the high-risk areas of a Meridian Mail system and the
types of abuse that can occur.
Lists the measures that can be taken to set up and monitor system
Describes the use of security features to prevent unauthorized
mailbox access.
Describes measures to prevent the use of Meridian Mail features for
unauthorized long distance calling.
Suggests procedures to prevent unauthorized use of the
administration terminal.
Describes the reporting features available to help administrators
detect abuse.
Chapter 7:
User administration —
an overview
Introduces the concepts and issues concerning user administration.
Cross-references appropriate chapters for routine user
administration tasks of particular interest or concern.
Chapter 8:
Local voice users
Describes procedures for administering local voice users.
Chapter 9:
Remote voice users
Describes procedures for administering remote voice users.
Chapter 10:
Directory entry users
Describes procedures for administering directory entry users.
Chapter 11:
Distribution lists
Describes procedures for administering system distribution lists.
Chapter 12:
General administration —
an overview
Introduces the concepts and issues concerning general
Directs users to the appropriate chapters for routine general
administration tasks.
Chapter 13:
General options
Describes how to perform the tasks and locate the information
available under the General Options screen.
Chapter 14:
Volume administration
Describes the tasks that can be performed through the volume
administration side of Volume and selective backups.
Chapter number and title Description