User`s guide

1-16 About this guide
Referenced documents
Standard 1.0 System Administration Guide January 1998
555-7001-318 Meridian ACCESS Voice
Prompt Editor User’s Guide
Documents how to use the voice prompt
editor to create and maintain voice segment
files and individual voice segments.
555-7001-320 Meridian Mail Outcalling
Application Guide
Documents the implementation of the Remote
Notification feature and Delivery to Non-
User feature.
555-7001-325 Meridian Mail Voice Services
Application Guide
Documents the planning, configuration, and
implementation of voice services.
555-7001-327 Meridian Mail Fax on Demand
Application Guide
Documents the planning, configuration, and
implementation of the fax information service
and fax item maintenance service.
555-7001-510 Meridian Mail Maintenance
Messages (SEERs)
Lists System Event and Error Reports
(SEERs) to help isolate and fix system
553-3001-300 Meridian 1 X11 System
Management Overview,
Applications, and Security
Provides an introduction to the system
management facilities provided with the
Meridian 1 switch.
NTP number Title Description