User`s guide

9-6 Remote voice users
Remote voice user changes and enhancements
Standard 1.0 System Administration Guide January 1998
Remote voice user changes and enhancements
In recent Meridian Mail releases, a number of enhancements
have been made to the administration of remote voice users to
provide support for remote voice user propagation to other
to simplify the management of the remote voice user
New type of remote
voice user
In Meridian Mail Releases 11 and 12, you can add remote voice
users as temporary users. In the past, users at remote sites could
only be added as permanent remote voice users. They had to be
added and deleted manually, one at a time.
Temporary users can be added and deleted automatically by the
Simplified addition of
remote voice users
Prior to Meridian Mail 11, you had to enter each remote voice
user to your local site one user at a time.
Now, you can quickly and easily add remote voice users in one
of two ways.
RVU Propagation via Enterprise Networking automatically
adds remote voice users to your local site whenever a user
at a remote site addresses a voice message to a user at your
local site. These users are added as temporary users.
RVU Propagation via Bulk Provisioning allows you to
copy all (or a subset of) users at a remote site to tape and
then copy them into your local database as remote voice
users. These users can be added as temporary or