User`s guide

Directory entry users 10-3
What is a directory entry user?
Standard 1.0 System Administration Guide January 1998
What is a directory entry user?
Directory entry users are users registered in the Meridian Mail
directory who do not have mailboxes and, therefore, do not
have access to voice messaging functions. They can, however,
be referenced by such features as name dialing and automated
attendant functions such as voice menus (if they are installed on
your system).
Who should be a
directory entry user
There are several reasons why users might not have a mailbox
associated with their extensions.
The user may not require or want a mailbox, or perhaps the
user is not authorized to have a mailbox.
Another common reason is that a user shares the same
phone with other users. (In other words, you can associate a
number of directory entry users with the same DN. This is
unlike local voice users in that each local voice user must
have a unique primary DN and mailbox number.)
Feature implications
Because directory entry users do not have mailboxes, they do
not have access to voice messaging functions (such as compose
and send) or other features such as Outcalling, AMIS
Networking, and so on.
Directory entry users are included in the Meridian Mail
directory. Therefore, you can dial those users using Thru-Dial
features such as name dialing and automated attendant.
For example, if three people (say Tom, Dick, and Harriet) share
the same phone, then another user can call Tom using the name
dialing feature instead of dialing their extension number.
Similarly, an external caller can ring a directory entry user’s
phone through a voice menu or automated attendant. If the
external caller does not remember Tom’s extension, the caller
can still dial the phone by entering Tom’s name.