User`s guide

10-14 Directory entry users
The List of Directory Entry Users screen
Standard 1.0 System Administration Guide January 1998
Field descriptions
The following table describes the fields in the List of Directory
Entry Users screen.
Viewing a list of
directory entry users
To view a list of directory entry users from your search, follow
this procedure.
Starting Point:
The Find Directory Entry Users screen
This is the user’s last name followed by the first
This is the name of the department to which the
user belongs.
Personal Verific. Recorded
This field indicates whether or not a spoken name
(personal verification) has been recorded for this
Step Action
1 Fill in the screen with the required search parameters.
2 Press [List] to display the results of the search on the screen.
3 To view or modify a directory entry user, move to the user’s line
and press the <spacebar> to select it.