User`s guide

Distribution lists 11-27
Deleting a system distribution list
Standard 1.0 System Administration Guide January 1998
To delete a system distribution list, follow these steps.
Starting Point:
The Distribution Lists softkeys screen
Step Action
1 Do you know the number of the distribution list you want to
2 Select the [Delete] softkey.
The system prompts for a distribution list number.
3 Type the number of the list you want to delete, and press
The system displays the Delete Distribution List
4 Use the following table to determine the next step.
5 To delete your distribution list, use the [Delete] softkey.
The system deletes the list.
It then prompts you for another distribution list number. To
delete another list, go to step 3.
6 To exit without deleting the list, use the [Cancel] softkey.
The system returns you to the Distribution Lists
softkeys screen.
yes go to step 2.
no see “Finding and viewing a
system distribution list” on
page 11-17.
IF you want to THEN
delete your distribution list go to step 5.
exit without deleting your
distribution list
go to step 6.