User`s guide

15-48 Back up and restore Meridian Mail data
Checking the status of a backup
Standard 1.0 System Administration Guide January 1998
Checking the status of a backup
The Backup Status screen displays the current status of a
backup, if one is in progress. The screen displays the time at
which the backup started, time remaining for backup
completion, volumes being backed up, selective backup criteria,
and current progress of the backup. Time remaining will not be
shown if selective backup was chosen.
If you are performing a partial backup (Data) of a volume, there
is an intermediate step in the backup process that will be
reported in the status screen.
VS901T is used as a partial backup of VS202T, VS203T,
VS204T, and VS205T. Text files are first copied to VS901T
and then copied from VS901T to tape. While files are being
copied to VS901T, the tape drive will be inactive. The status of
VS901T will be reported on the Backup status screen while the
backup is occurring.