User`s guide

Dialing translations 17-19
How Meridian Mail collects digits
Standard 1.0 System Administration Guide January 1998
How Meridian Mail collects digits
The format in which Meridian Mail requires a DN depends on
the feature using dialing translations.
The three features using dialing translations are
Fax on Demand
AMIS Networking
External Calling Line Identification (External CLID)
The following descriptions explain how each feature collects
digits for translation.
Fax on Demand
When users call the Meridian Mail Fax on Demand service
(VSDN), Meridian Mail prompts users for the number of their
fax machine to which the fax will be sent.
A session profile sets up the operational characteristics of the
Fax on Demand service. Using the session profile, the Fax on
Demand VSDN can be set up as national, international, dial-as-
entered, or ESN.
This setup is done in the Treat Callback Number As field in the
Session Profile screen for that VSDN.
Different prompts exist for each type of service. The prompts
ask the user to enter the fax number in a particular format
(national, international, dial-as-entered, or ESN.)