User`s guide

17-48 Dialing translations
Identifying translation tables required on your system
Standard 1.0 System Administration Guide January 1998
Identifying translation tables required on your system
A translation table is needed for an area/city code if calls placed
from your system to that area/city code are made in one of the
ways that are not supported by the dialing translation defaults.
(The scenario where defaults alone support dialing translation is
described in “Identifying translation table requirements” on
page 17-45.)
Area/city code
A translation table is defined for an area/city code. You should
have a good idea of the exchange codes and the two prefixes for
the table before you define the table.
Exchange codes
You should identify the exchange codes for the translation table
before you identify the prefix for the exchange codes in the
table and the prefix for the exchange codes not in the table. This
is because depending on which exchange codes you define in
the table (they may be considered local or long distance), these
prefixes will change.
Prefix for exchange
codes in the table
For those exchange codes that are defined in the table, this
prefix will be used by the system to dial out of the switch and
place the call. Therefore, depending on the scenario, this prefix
will either be for local dialing or long distance dialing. The
prefix is needed to generate a dialable DN that is understood by
the switch.
Prefix for exchange
in the table
For those exchange codes
defined in the table (or any other
table for this area/city code) that belong to the area code to
which the table applies, this prefix will either be for local
dialing or long distance dialing. This prefix is needed to
generate a dialable DN that is understood by the switch.