User`s guide

Navigating through system administration 2-33
Getting around in screens
Standard 1.0 System Administration Guide January 1998
Getting around in screens
Navigating between
The following keys on the keyboard and on the application
keypad (see “Keypad functions” on page 2-27) move the cursor
between fields.
Moving through
multipage screens
Certain screens contain more fields than can be displayed at one
time on the display terminal. You can view additional pages in
one of two ways: by scrolling and by paging.
If you see “More Below” at the bottom of a screen or “More
Above” at the top of a screen, you can use the following keys.
When the “More Below” prompt disappears, you are at the end
of the screen. When the “More Above” prompt disappears, you
are at the top of the screen.
Using the down arrow
The down arrow key displays only the last input field, even if
there is instructional text below it. To view any text that may
appear at the end of a screen, use the Next Scrn hardkey.
In some screens, a [Next Page] softkey is displayed that can be
used to move between the pages of a screen.
IF you want to THEN press
move to the next field the Tab key
the down arrow key
the Return key, or
5 on the application keypad.
move to the previous field the up arrow key, or
4 on the application keypad.
IF you want to THEN press the
view the next page of a multipage screen Next Scrn hardkey.
view the previous page of a multipage screen Prev Scrn hardkey.