Technical data

11.8 Using Disks and Tapes
Magnetic tape volume labels can contain a maximum of six characters. You
can use any ANSI ‘‘a’’ character in a magnetic tape volume label. The ANSI
‘‘a’ characters include numbers, uppercase letters, and any of the following
nonalphanumeric characters:
!"% ()*+,_. /: ;<=>?
If you use any nonalphanumeric characters, you must enclose the volume label
with quotation marks.
Label your magnetic tapes according to the data contained on the tapes. The
following table presents some suggestions for labeling tapes:
Label Type of Backup Expiration Date
DLY101 Daily, group 1, volume number 1 Expires in 7 days
DLY102 Daily, group 1, volume number 2 Expires in 7 days
WKY101 Weekly, group 1, volume number 1 Expires in 4 weeks
WKY201 Weekly, group 2, volume number 1 Expires in 4 weeks
MTH101 Monthly, group 1, volume number 1 Expires in 12 months
YRY101 Yearly, group 1, volume number 1 Expires in 5 years
Note that:
If the tape volume has already been initialized with a label that is different
from the label you specify on the BACKUP command line, BACKUP displays
an error message about the label mismatch. For more information, see
Section 11.12.
If the tape is not expired, BACKUP displays the following error message:
%INIT-F-FILNOTEXP, file is not expired
If you have either VOLPRO privilege or write access to the volume,
or you are the owner of the volume, you can use the DCL command
INITIALIZE/OVERRIDE=EXPIRATION to initialize the magnetic tape.
You can also reenter the BACKUP command line using the
/IGNORE=LABEL_PROCESSING qualifier (refer to the OpenVMS System
Management Utilities Reference Manual).
If the volume was previously initialized with the output save-set qualifiers
/REWIND and /PROTECTION, you must either own the volume (your UIC
matches the owner UIC of the volume) or have VOLPRO privilege.
Instead of using the INITIALIZE command and then performing a backup
operation, you can initialize a disk and perform a backup operation by entering
one BACKUP command.
Using BACKUP 1115