Technical data

Setting Up and Maintaining Queues
14.8 Solving Queue Problems
If your site has a large number of different printers, you can help prevent this
problem by using more libraries, so that each library is assigned to fewer queues.
For example, you should create and assign a different library for each type of
printer, as explained in Section
14.8.8 Fixing a Disabled Queue
The queue manager attempts to correct any kind of corruption detected. If the
queue manager detects corruption in a queue record, it might disable a queue to
isolate the corruption. When a queue is disabled, the following message is written
on the console and in the operator log file:
%QMAN-I-QUEDISCOR, queue queue_namehas been
disabled due to database corruption
When a queue is disabled, any attempt to modify or submit a job to it returns the
following message:
%JBC-E-QUEDISABLED, disabled queue cannot be modified, nor can a job be
submitted to it
If you see either of the previous messages, perform the following actions:
1. Contact your Compaq support representative
2. Delete the queue and create a new queue to replace it.
14.8.9 Reporting Queue Problems to Compaq
If you encounter a problem with your queues, and you want to report it to
Compaq, please provide as much information as possible. Section 13.12 specifies
the information that is most useful to Compaq in diagnosing your queuing system
1478 Setting Up and Maintaining Queues