Technical data

Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software
3.6 Selecting VMSINSTAL.COM Options
If the product does not supply release notes, VMSINSTAL.COM displays
two error messages. It also asks whether you want to continue or to end the
installation, as follows:
%VMSINSTAL.COM-W-NOFILE, New File facvvu.RELEASE_NOTES does not exist.
%VMSINSTAL.COM-W-NORELNOTE, unable to locate release notes.
*Do you want to continue the installation [N]:
To continue the installation (whether or not release notes are available), enter
Y (for YES) and press Return.
3.6.6 Using the Alternate Root Option ( R )
You can use the Alternate Root option to install the product on a system disk
other than that of the running system. You might use this option to test a
layered product without disturbing the running system.
The operating system in the alternate root must be complete and have the same
version or update level as the running system. All files and software products
that the product installation refers to must be present in the alternate root.
Not all optional software products allow you to install a product on an
alternate root. Consult the documentation of the specific product to
determine whether you can install the product on an alternate root.
Also, Compaq does not support the installation of a product on an
alternate root on the existing system disk.
If you specify option R, the product is installed on the alternate root. However,
you cannot create accounts or request a system reboot on an alternate root.
3.7 Using the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility
The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility is used to install, remove, and
manage layered software products on Alpha or VAX systems. It can also save
information about software products such as system requirements, installation
options, and your answers to questions asked during the product installation
Perform POLYCENTER Software Installation utility operations from the DCL
prompt. Use the following command format to invoke each operation:
$ PRODUCT subcommand product-name[/qualifier1,...]
For example, to install COBOL Version 2.2 and the latest version of Fortran,
enter the following command:
The following products have been selected:
DEC AXPVMS COBOL V2.2 Layered Product
DEC AXPVMS FORTRAN V7.0 Layered Product
Do you want to continue? [YES]
Section 3.8 describes installation.
You can enter PRODUCT commands at the DCL prompt ($) or in a DCL
command procedure. Refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities
Reference Manual for subcommand syntax information.
3–14 Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software