User manual

Etherboot User Manual
not make sense for any operating system other than Linux and is silently ignored for other
operating systems. As it is not legal to enter colons as part of an entry, you have to escape them
by writing "~c" instead. This also means, that all tilde characters have to be escaped by writing
"~~". As some DHCP daemons do not allow for entering a backslash in a character string, the
escape sequence "~b" inserts a backslash character. Currently, all other escape sequences are
(This example has not yet been translated to DHCPD syntax, sorry.) For demonstration purposes, I
attached an annotated excerpt from my "bootptab" illustrating some of these techniques. In the following
the character sequence
ESC should be replaced by the ASCII escape character. Also the 8-bit characters
have been changed to 7-bit approximations due to SGML tool limitations. To get the original codes, use
this table: top left corner, char 201 (decimal); horizontal bar, char 205; top right corner, char 187; vertical
bar, char 186; bottom left corner, char 200; bottom right corner, char 188.
# The MOTD (message of the day) can contain arbitrary characters, that
# the PC is capable of displaying. Here we use 8bit characters for
# drawing a border around the message; also we change the foreground
# color to red (this assumes that the BOOT Prom has support for ANSI
# escape sequences):
:T186="| This is an experimental release of the new BOOT-Prom |":\
:T187="| code. It supports a couple of non-standard vendor |":\
:T188="| extensions. |":\
# Alternatively, the MOTD can be stored in an external file; this
# requires that you enabled ANSI support in the BOOT Prom! For more
# advanced configurability, you should explore the feature of the
# patched tftpd daemon (as available in the contrib directory) to
# execute shell scripts and use the output as the file contents.
# .motd:\
# :T184="ESC[31mLoading message of the day...ESC[37mESC[’/etc/motd’#":
# We use the "template" feature of modern versions of "bootp" in order
# to group common entries. Unfortunately, you cannot use more than one
# "tc" entry per (pseudo-) host. Pseudo hostnames should begin with a
# leading period character.
# All entries are kept as generic as possible. This ensures that they