User Manual

Page 120
Membership Reports that it wants to receive messages addressed to a
specific multicast group. All hosts conforming to level 2 of the IP
multicasting specification require IGMP.
IEEE It is the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. The IEEE is a
professional technical body promoting the development and
application of technology.
IP Address At the moment, IP address is a 32-bit binary digit that defines each
sender or receiver of information across an IP network.
IPSec Internet Protocol Security. It is a suite of protocols used to implement
secure exchange of packets at the IP layer.
ISP Internet Service Provider. It is a company that provides individuals or
corporations with Internet access and other related services.
LAN Local Area Network is a group of computers and devices sharing a
common communication medium within a small geographical area.
Latency Latency is a time-delay.
MAC Address MAC is the abbreviation for Media Access Control. The MAC address
is a unique number assigned by the manufacturer to any Ethernet
networking device, such as a network adapter or router that allows a
network to identify the hardware. Unlike IP addresses, this number is
permanent and is therefore a valuable identifier.
Mbps Mega bits per second. It is a unit of measurement for data
transmission indicating a million bits per second.
MDI Medium Dependent Interface. On a network hub/switch, a MDI port
(uplink port) connects to another hub/switch using a straight cable. To
connect a MDI port to a computer, a crossover cable is used.
MDI-X Medium Dependent Interface Crossed. On a network hub/switch, a
MDI-X port connects to a computer using a straight cable. To connect
a MDI-X port to another hub/switch, use a crossover cable.
Multicast A multicast is a packet that is sent to a subset of end stations in a LAN,
or VLAN that belong to a multicast group. If the network is set up
correctly, a multicast can only be sent to an end station if it has joined
the relevant group.
NAT Network Address Translations multiplexes multiple private IP addresses
on the LAN to a single public IP address on the Internet.
OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing. It is a modulation scheme
employed by the IEEE 802.11g standard, which combines numerous
signals of different frequencies to form a single signal for transmission
over a medium.
Packet Filtering This is a means of discarding unwanted network traffic based on its
originating addresses or the type of data transmitted.
Ping Packet Internet Groper is a utility used to determine whether a